The beautiful season of fall is now here, and while everyone wants to enjoy outdoor activities as much as possible, shortly it will be time to put away canoes, paddle boards, and other warm weather recreational gear.
If you’ve joined the many new paddle board owners this year, you might want to look for a storage solution that will protect your investment and keep your board looking bright and colourful.
An indoor storage solution is just the thing. Extreme cold and moisture is harsh on recreational gear, and huddling equipment together under a tarp is not the best protection.
Why not consider a storage locker this winter? You can rotate seasonal furniture and equipment such as canoes, paddle boards, water skis, water toys, with equipment / gear you want for winter sports. Space in your garage or basement is tight and a storage unit can provide a solution.
For many people, with vacation cottages – a garage or basement is not available – and it’s a long haul to move seasonal gear back home.
Having a storage unit near the cottage is convenient and affordable.
At Calloway we offer both permanent storage units and portable storage units that can be used for short-term or longer-term needs on your property or ours.
Did you know that storage units come in a full range of sizes so you can find one that is the right dimensions for your requirements. We can help you select the best unit for your belongs.
So, while you are outside enjoying the gorgeous fall colours, think ahead about getting items safely put away for the season.