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4 Packing Steps That Will Ensure You Know Exactly What’s in Your Storage Unit

Storage units are incredibly easy to rent with Calloway storage. But how easy is it to actually store your items in a storage unit, and remember where everything is?

This may sound simple – all you need to do is simply box up your belongings, put them in your self storage unit and then find them at a later date, right? Without taking the time to plan where you put your items, you could easily find yourself losing track of those important and sentimental possessions you want to access at a later stage. 

Before you spend the time packing your items and moving them into your storage unit, first read these four simple preparation steps that will go a long way to ensuring you stay organized and stress free. 

1 – Packing your items

Most people that use self storage or portable storage units will simply throw all of their items into boxes and then hope they can find it afterwards. This will only set you up for disappointment when you can’t find something in a couple of weeks, a month or a year. 

The first step in packing will be to get a variety of boxes in multiple sizes, which can all be packed neatly on top of one another. You’ll then want to purchase some labels and markers for the boxes.

When you are packing, you should clearly label each box as you pack them. By choosing an organizing theme that works for you and sticking to it – it could be numbers, rooms or even anything abstract such as your favourite movie characters to keep the process fun – you’ll ensure you can easily find your items. 

At the same time, use a notepad to keep track of every item you pack and which box that item is in. This is easier than writing the items on a label on the box, so you don’t have to run around the storage unit trying to find which box has the item you need in it. 

Make sure you don’t rush this process. Take the time to ensure you have an organization method that works for you.

2 – Plan where your items will go

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to moving into a storage unit is not effectively planning where each box will go. This often results in the items you want more regularly being hidden right at the bottom and therefore more difficult to reach. 

Before you move any boxes into your storage unit, make sure you take a tour of your storage unit and get a good feel for the size and layout. This will ensure you don’t cram too many items in or waste space.

3 – Draw a map

Once you know exactly what your working with in the storage unit, you can then draw a map of where you want to put each box. This will help you put the items that you want to access more frequently closer to the entrance, and those that you don’t in a more difficult to reach spot.

Your map doesn’t need to be perfect, but it will give you a fantastic reference point in the future when you are trying to find an item.

4 – Moving into the unit

Now that you’ve effectively packed your items and planned where they will be stored, it’s now time to move your possessions into your self storage unit. Remember to use your map and place the boxes roughly where you had planned for them to go. 

One good tip is to ensure that there’s always a path between boxes. This will ensure you have space to walk and that you are able to find boxes that aren’t right at the front of the unit.

Finished moving into the unit? Fantastic, now you just need to put your map on a wall in the unit. This will give you a good reference point of where items are when you need to remove them in the future. 

Want to learn more about the benefits of self storage and find out which storage unit would be the best fit for you? Contact Calloway Storage today. We would be happy to answer any questions you have.