Whether you live or own a cottage in Muskoka, Ontario, you’ll likely be aware of the severe flooding we have had in the region throughout the beginning of 2019. In fact, the flooding in Muskoka has been record-breaking.
Earlier this month, according to CTV News Barrie, Ontario provided disaster recovery assistance for residents in Bracebridge and Huntsville affected by flooding.
The funding applied to primary residences and their basic contents, as well as small businesses, not-for-profit organizations but not cottages or other secondary residences. It helps to cover emergency expenses and the cost to repair or replace property for those that aren’t covered by insurance in the event of a natural disaster.
The assistance came after towns such as Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, Minden Hills and Huntsville were hit by severe and historical flooding – causing significant damage to houses, cottages and businesses alike.
With water levels still high, many residents in the area are looking for alternatives that will protect their belongings, prepare them for future flooding in the years to come as well as make restoring their homes that little bit easier – portable storage can help with all of these.
What is portable storage?
Portable storage units, such as those provided by Calloway Self Storage, are secure, weather-resistance and will protect your belongings from the threat of flooding – as well as from other weather-related damage and even theft.
Since portable storage units are delivered straight to the door of your home, they are highly convenient when it comes to protecting your belongings or storing your possessions while you restore your home.
Portable storage units can be kept at your home so you have easy access to your possessions while protecting them at the same time. Alternatively, your portable storage unit can also be kept at a highly secure self-storage site if needed.
How can Portable Storage help?
If you are restoring a property that has been damaged by flooding or simply want to find a way to protect your possessions in the event of a future flood, a portable storage is the perfect temporary solution. Here are two ways a portable storage unit can help protect your possessions during or after a flood.
1 – A preventive measure
Flooding usually happens in Muskoka during the spring, after the ice in cottage country melts and the water levels rise. Flooding isn’t always severe enough to damage property, but it’s always good to be prepared for the worst.
2 – Protect your belongings during the restoration
If your house or cottage has already been damaged by flooding, you may have to undergo property
Since portable storage units are delivered straight to your door they are highly convenient. You’ll easily be able to put your possessions in the unit for protection, without the multiple trips to and from an off-site storage location.
Want to learn more about our portable storage units and how they can help you protect your belongings during severe weather? Contact our team of experts today. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.