Many people who were commuting to city work locations are now preparing to become full-time remote workers. And while working at the kitchen table was okay for a few months, it’s important to set up a professional office space now that working from home is required.
A good choice is to convert an unused spare bedroom or spare room in your basement. It’s important to consider the square footage you’ll need for your desk, files, and other office equipment such as a printer, but also think about lighting and ventilation.
Now that you’ve selected the location you might find that you need to clear out some furniture for the time being: a spare bed, mattress, dresser, kids toys no longer in use, exercise equipment…
To get set-up fast and get your office ready for September, a storage unit is the perfect solution to clear out the unneeded clutter and furniture. And while you are preparing your home office, it’s a great time to utilize the storage unit to its fullest potential and store away other large items that are taking up space – for example, patio furniture, outdoor toys, tools, inflatable pools, recreational games, even summer tires in a few months.
Not sure what size of unit you’ll need or unsure how the process of renting a storage unit works? At Calloway Storage we provide:
- 24 Hour Access
- Variety of Unit Sizes Available
- Drive-up Access
- Great Locations
- Easy Bill Payment Options
- Great Customer Service
We have 2 convenient locations, Minden and MacTier. Minden is well situated for people in Huntsville, Bracebridge, Haliburton, Baysville, Little Hawk Lake, Kinmount and surrounding areas. MacTier is well located for people in Foot’s Bay, Moon River, Woods Bay, Gordons Bay, Hamer Bay, the Parry Sound area.
So if you are in the midst of setting up a new work from home office, remember that you don’t have to work around unneeded clutter. Create a professional work environment and you’ll find your productivity increases and you’ll enjoy those upcoming Zoom calls with less stress.